Overseeing accounts can be an onerous undertaking and can guzzle up valuable time that could be spent developing your business. If you’re a start-up or a small company, however, you may prefer to take care of the business accounting yourself. Before starting out, you may have lots of questions, one of those being whether or not you can file company accounts without an accountant.

One thing you want to get right is accounting. Company accounts are documents which are prepared at the end of each financial year. They showcase company performance and the financial position at the end of the year date.

Do you need an accountant to submit company accounts?

You can submit your own accounts, but there are plenty of benefits to outsourcing this.

There is no legal requirement for limited companies or self-employed individuals to use an accountant. This applies to all tasks, including filing company accounts.

The only stipulation is that all accounts need to be accurate and any tax returns sent to HMRC should be sent by the deadline and in the correct format to avoid any penalties.

There are plenty of benefits in outsourcing accounts. Completing your annual accounts and company tax returns means you can dedicate your time and attention on other business matters.

As a company director, you can prepare and file your own company accounts.

You may feel completely confident handling this side of the business yourself for now. However, if you’re looking to scale up your business anytime soon, you should consider how having  professional management accounts services by your side can help.

Unless you feel 100% confident in your accounting abilities, it’s advisable to employ outsourced accounting services. Remember to check that your outsourced accountant has professional indemnity insurance and knows their way around your business sector.

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